Lost Party 2020 - wyniki

Hot Style


  1. Wez cos tu napisz bo mnie leb boli - LiSU/Tristesse
  2. lost/lost - Zlew/AYCE/Joker
  3. Lynx Quest Legacy - miker/bjb^ng
  4. Train Ride - VLX/Lamers
  5. Kult Jasnej Materii - Zoltar X
  6. la computadora encantadora - Arson/UAB/GGS
  7. Gang Ciemnej Materii - Zoltar X
  1. The Lost Sorcerer - Tiger/NG
  2. Unicorn Forest - PG
  3. Waskawy Pan - epij/Tristesse & SUPERROTOR
  4. Tortgenda - Piesiu/Agenda
  5. Sad - Rocky/MadTeam
  6. Zjawa - Alex_D
  7. Best Tickets - Sikor
Intro 256 B:
  1. Quatari - Ilmenit/Agenda
  2. Screaming Wings in different dimension - Xeen/Agenda
  3. drawto 256b - Koala/Agenda
  4. Starry - tr1x/Agenda
  5. filla! - Svoy/Agenda
  6. Parasolka - gorgh/Agenda
  7. Urodziny - gorgh/Agenda
8-bit 16 KB Intro:
  1. Stary Licheń Song - Fancy Rats
  2. Boomtro - Boom!
  3. Speccy.pl Party 2020 invitation - tooloud

Commodore 64

  1. Lost World - Facet/Genesis Project
  2. antiyoda
  3. Too late - Steffan
  4. Vote or not to vote - Ediman/Fancy Rats

ZX Spectrum

AY Music:
  1. it's raining outside - Pator
  2. Bo Dalthon mi kazał - Zlew/AYCE^Joker
  3. Popping the ZX cherry - mch/genesis project^multistyle labs^samar^joker


  1. Krowka - LiSU/Tristesse
  2. Lost in Translation - AYCE
  3. Grappler - Hairdog/Boom!
  4. Zybex - LiSU/Tristesse
  5. Lost Covid - Skinner
  6. Diovgler - comankh/Agony

Wyniki opublikowano 12 lipca 2020 r. na stronie https://www.lostparty.pl/2020/.